Monday, October 26, 2009

spotlight #3/ Matt and Deb

Matt is Rad.

It was his birthday on October 22nd. We had fun. He is 35.

He thinks his wife is pretty and loves to squeeze and play with his babies.

His shoulder is really messed up and he needs surgery. booo to that!

He is a moring person and likes to wake up bright and early at 4:00am for work.

He loves to eat yummy things and really wants to go to Europe to have a food vacation.

His favorite article of clothing is a white t-shirt.

Deb is Rad too.

She gets to be a mommy. She really does love it.

She could spend hours playing with her babies.

She loves Matt.

She will be turning 30 in December and has some goals.

One of them is to run a marathon. She thinks this will be a difficult feat as she has crappy knees, but she has a plan and thinks it is not an impossible feat.

She has a bit of an addiction to sugar and has not decided to give it up yet.

Matt & Deb are in a state of limbo; Having a house in Park City, but wanting to live in AZ.

They are in the process of buying a rad house in Mesa and that makes them happy.

They wonder if their house in PC will ever sell and that makes them anxious.

They might have to go back to PC for matts surgery. BOOO to that. But maybe not :)

They recently celebrated 4 years of marriage and decided they are glad they took the plunge and still really love each other.

They think it will be nice when they know where they will end up, but are kinda having fun not knowing.

P.S October has been busy that is why this is so late.


Miss Stace said...

I love Mesa. All of my relatives live there. I'm sure you will miss the snow..... :P

Jenn said...

If you are in PC let me know so I can bring you your Pay It Forward.

sara2delta said...

Can I add my two cents??

DIZ is amazing: she is selfless, down to earth, wise beyond her years, beautiful, and the most wonderful best friend ive ever had.

MATT is rad: he just cracks my shit up. ALWAYS. without even trying. and he makes my diz happy. 'nuff said.
